Social Songs and Dance CD's (2 CD's)

Social Songs and Dance CD's (2 CD's)


A social dance is a way for our Haudenosaunee people to gather with one another to dance and sing our traditional social songs. Social Dances are not ceremonial dances and they can be held any time of the year. Socials are times when our people come together to share in laughter and friendship in an informal gathering.

CD’s include stomp dance, round dance, fish dance, old moccasin, women’s dance, alligator dance, cousin’s dance, fishing/canoe dance, pigeon dance, rabbit dance, garter dance, stick dance, Cherokee stomp.

Singers: Shatekaronhioton Fox, Tioniatarishon Jacobs, Tehonienhtaronweh Thompson, Enhakahnhoton Norton and Ronekonhnatste Norton.

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