Hiawatha Belt Poster

Hiawatha Belt Poster

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Artist: Ahawenrathe Bonaparte

This belt has two colours. The white represents peace, purity, and unity and with each block representing one of the five original nations, with the first block representing the Mohawks who lived in the east, next the Oneidas, the Onondagas, who are centrally located and also hold the Grand Council (the seat capital) are represented by a tree symbol, the Cayuga Nation who are located near Rochester NY, and finally the Seneca Nation who live furthest West.

These Nations are all connected by a white path of peace. The white beads that extend outwards is also an invitation to other nations who wish to join and live by this Law of Peace. The purple represents the Great Law of Peace, Kariwiio and all the laws and customs the Creator has given the Haudenosaunee to live together in peace.

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