Tree of Peace Poster

Tree of Peace Poster

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Artist: Stephanie Thompson

20” x 30” Full color

One of the many symbols of this message, Kaianerekowa (The Great Law of Peace) is the Tree of Peace. They say it’s roots grow and reach out into the four directions, so whoever wishes to seek protection under it’s branches can do so. It’s color is green, stays year round, like the Kaianerekowa will remain forever. It’s branches will grow up toward the sky, like the Kaianerekowa it’s message descends from the heavens and it’s words will flow upward and outward. The Eagle that sits on top of the tree is the protector for the people. He is a messenger of the Creator. He can see the farther and fly the highest, when danger is near. The Eagle lets out a cry to the leaders when danger is approaching.

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